Pushpa: The Rise Box Office Performance Released in December 2021 Pushpa: The Rise became a massive success at the box office both in India and internationally. The film grossed over ₹350 crore worldwide making it one of the highest-grossing Indian films of 2021. Its success was largely driven by Allu Arjun's star power the film's unique storyline catchy music and stunning visuals. Anticipation for Pushpa 2: The Rule With the massive success of the first film, the anticipation for Pushpa 2 has been sky-high. Directed by Sukumar Pushpa 2 is expected to continue the story of Pushpa Raj (Allu Arjun) as he faces greater challenges and power struggles. Fans are eagerly awaiting the sequel's release which is anticipated to have a strong opening at the box office. Expected Box Office Collection for Pushpa 2 Given the massive fanbase and the popularity of the first movie Pushpa 2 is expected to perform exceptionally well at the box office. It is predicted to open with strong collec...
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